Ainsley’s Angels is a heartfelt service project created in honor of a JAT member’s beloved late daughter, Ainsley Daussat. Our mission through this service project is to spread love, hope, and support to families facing medical crises.
We are honored to have grown our wings, embracing more individuals and families within our community, and showering them with kindness and compassion. The amazing women of JAT are dedicated to making a positive impact and bringing joy and unity to those around us.We organize activities and events that bring smiles to children in residential homes, seniors in care facilities, and individuals in vocational programs. We provide meals, gifts, and essential support to families navigating the challenges of medical crises. Our goal is to uplift and inspire, reminding everyone that they're not alone and that they're loved.
Together, we weave a tapestry of warmth and compassion, making a difference one act of kindness at a time. We believe that every person deserves to feel seen, heard, and cared for, even in the toughest moments. Through our angelic acts, we strive to bring hope and love into the lives of those around us.